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Find Out How You Can Help the Hungry

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    How You Can Help the Hungry

    You might not worry about your next meal, but numerous people around you worry about food every single day of their lives. 

    India is one of the world’s top five largest and fastest-growing economies, but still, we are struggling to meet the hunger crisis. 

    According to the Global Nutrition Report 2020, India is among 88 countries that are likely to miss the Global Nutrition Target by 2025. The report has also identified that India has the highest rates of domestic inequalities in malnutrition.  

    India has a long way to go to fight malnutrition in children and anaemia among women of reproductive age. 

    As is evident, India is suffering from under-nutrition due to widespread poverty, rapid population growth, a weak healthcare system and most importantly, inadequate governance.

    About Ketto

    Ketto, India’s most trusted crowdfunding platform, is helping people organize fundraisers for causes ranging from medical, healthcare to disaster relief.

    You can create campaigns and raise funds to help the hungry on our safe and secure platform and fulfill your cause.

    To date, around INR 11 billion has been raised on our platform from over 2,000,00 campaigns and backed by more than 5.5 million donors.

    To start a campaign, visit our website and complete the process of submitting valid documents for verification. Within a few minutes, you can create your crowdfunding campaign to raise funds. You can also share your campaign via WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Email.

    Ways to help the hungry

    The reality is that there are people around you struggling to have one meal a day. Their situation may seem helpless, but there are numerous ways to help them.

    We have created a list of ways you can help the hungry around you. 

    Any kind of contribution helps, monetary or otherwise. There are lots of ways in which you can help the hungry and make a difference. Below are a few ways:

    Donating to food banks is a great way to help hungry people. There are numerous food banks in India, and they are doing a great job of feeding the poor and needy. 

    The best thing about food banks is that you do not need to donate a lump sum amount of money to help the hungry or end the food crisis. 

    Even a small donation of INR 100 can go a long way in alleviating someone’s pain and suffering. Food banks buy food and agricultural products in bulk, so you can be assured that every donated penny goes into feeding the hungry around you.

    You can take your first step to support hunger by donating food. You can directly feed the hungry in your locality, or you can donate food to the local food bank. 

    Remember that food banks are essentially non-profit food distribution organizations that serve the less fortunate community. 

    Most food banks need financial support to continue providing food to families, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Therefore, donating money or food goes a long way in supporting the cause of hunger. 

    The best way to support the hungry is to support the food banks in your community.  They have a much higher purchasing and networking power than you and me alone. 

    Food banks buy surplus farm produce in a much more efficient manner, so they can provide fresh food and cut back on food wastage.

    Hold a food drive

    Holding a food drive is one of the most effective ways to help the hungry.

    Conduct a virtual food drive through Ketto and collect monetary donations throughout the country. A virtual food drive is an efficient form of extending support, and is also effective during this time of the pandemic.

    Ketto provides you with a safe and smooth platform backed by 5.5 million donors.

    Within minutes you can sign up with valid documents, create a crowdfunding campaign and raise funds to support the hungry.

    After raising money, you can either donate it to a food bank, or an NGO working in this field, or you can do it on your own.

    Do not waste food

    Food wastage is a crisis that needs to be curtailed as soon as possible. Did you know that nearly 40 per cent of the food produced in our country is wasted?

    And it is mainly due to inefficient supply chains and weak and fragmented food systems. 

    Did you know that according to the Food Waste Index Report 2021, about 50 kg of food is thrown out per person each year in every Indian home? 

    So, if you want to make a change, you can help the hungry by becoming more responsible. 

    Moreover, reducing food wastage also cuts greenhouse gas emissions, land conversion, and pollution.

    So, the next time you eat out, bring home the leftover food on your plate. Eat everything you prepare, and when you shop, try to be sustainable and eat local.

    Recognize the hungry

    Look around, and you will come across numerous families suffering from poverty, prolonged unemployment, and the elderly living alone.

    Make an effort to identify these people and extend your support so that they have a better future.

    You might find it difficult or feel that you have given enough, especially when the cost of everything in our country is going up.

    But try to keep an open mind and participate and volunteer at food drives and food banks whenever you get the opportunity to serve the needy.

    Times are particularly hard during COVID-19, as numerous people have lost jobs, families have lost their loved ones, and lockdowns have made the poor poorer.

    It is time we come together and extend a helping hand to our community for a better future.

    If you really care and want to help, then extend your support.

    Start a crowdfunding campaign on Ketto. Just like the millions of people who successfully raised funds on Ketto for their cause and help millions in return.

    Sushant Peshkar
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