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Medical Crowdfunding: The new age saviour

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    Medical Crowdfunding The new age Saviour

    Medical crowdfunding for medical expenses is a fundraising space that helps individuals and organisations raise funds to treat diseases such as heart surgeries, rare diseases, organ transplants, accidents, and many other healthcare emergencies. These campaigns generally aim at providing financial support for the poor who are unable to bear the medical expenses for the treatment of their ailments. 

    The Wondrous Functioning of Medical Expenses Crowdfunding

    Fundraisers are initiated virtually through many online platforms that bridge the gap between the initiator and the contributor. As this is the process of deriving financial support from people in mass, the network of contributors consists of family, friends, relatives, and strangers. Therefore, the process of crowdfunding is bound to be transparent to ensure the funds are reaching the right place at the right time.

    At Ketto, we understand the fragility of such campaigns. Most of the donations are from individual donors as they empathise broadly with people in trouble. Hence, we believe in organising fundraisers with a great obligation by conducting thorough research of the campaign’s purpose, followed by utmost transparency to respect the trust and concern they share with our goals.

    The Vulnerability That is Life

    Often we question the instability that is associated with life. Yet, in the hope of finding a better tomorrow, we all strive through our difficulties. We begin to indulge so much in the process that sometimes we forget the uncertainty surrounding us. Therefore, when life gives you lemons at the time when you are most unprepared, the earth beneath you begins slipping away. Health-related difficulties are such lemons that one fails to make lemonades even in the light of the day. The patient and the family are involved in losing sight and fall deep into a bottomless pit of hopelessness.

    It is in these times that the magic of medical expenses crowdfunding unveils. For a family that had lost its hope of saving their kin, these fundraiser campaigns offer help to get the treatment that is expensive otherwise. Providing health care access to everyone in need is the main motto of these schemes.

    Following are a few of the insights that help us understand the process of crowdfunding and its benefits:

    1. Initiating the fundraising process online -At Ketto, with few easy steps, an individual can start a fundraiser campaign in minutes. First, you are required to add brief details about yourself, the purpose of fundraising, and the person you are conducting the campaign with.
    2. Marketing the campaign – The Internet, the modern-day wonder, will help you reach millions of people, get them to participate in the event, and make donations through checks, cash, or online payment methods. With the influx of social media tools such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, you can share the fundraiser’s link and spread the word.
    3. Checking the inflow of money – Within no time, the funds will start flowing in. The money can be withdrawn directly from the bank account mentioned without any difficulty.
    4. Maintaining the timeline – Most of the emergencies come with restricted timelines, and sometimes, it becomes difficult to generate the funds required for the treatment within the stipulated time. Therefore, it is necessary to keep sharing the fundraiser’s details through as many platforms as possible.

    Decoding the crowdfunding enigma

    Like the innumerable magical surprises hidden in Genie’s lamp, the enchantment ways of how medical crowdfunding for medical expenses works is also a mystery to decipher.

    • With the Internet being a strange place for marketing, it is hard to raise money for medical expenses within certain time limits because the people involved in the process are strangers. Yet, it is astonishing when people are empathetic toward someone’s lives as their own and come forward to help in a time of crisis. At Ketto, we respect the compassion that people show towards ailing patients and contribute to their capacities trusting us. Therefore, we make sure their care reaches the right place to transport the light of hope in times of despair for the people in need.
    • Individuals take part in crowdfunding activities, but government schemes and relief funds in line with the hospital’s CSR (corporate social responsibility) funds help immensely pave the way for generating money for healthcare emergencies for the poor. Ketto has partnered with several hospitals in assisting people in using this opportunity for their medical crowdfunding for medical expenses.
    • While most medical crowdfunding aims at providing access to the best of healthcare systems to the poor, sometimes fundraisers are also initiated for the people who are drained out of insurance money. At Ketto, our purpose is to serve the people in need without pushing them into poverty and helping them exercise their basic right to gain good treatment for health-related expenses.
    • Often there arise few questions when one thinks of the crowdfunding process. Is it necessary to spend that large sum of money on a person knowing the outcome’s unpredictability? What if the patient doesn’t survive even after spending a huge amount of funds? Although the questions are fair, the results might not be. The idea behind taking all the fundraiser campaigns’ efforts is to give a fair chance to everyone in need to begin their life again with the best treatments possible.


    As quoted by many greats in history, everyone deserves a second chance. A chance to live, to be happy, and to look at goals they had dreamt of achieving. We at Ketto have always worked towards the same vision by trying our best to provide healthcare access to all. By connecting with the community of people who believe in making the world a better place to live, we aim at sharing health and happiness with as many people as possible. Be it a meagre amount of money or a huge sum, the concern and care a stranger receives through these crowdfunding campaigns is priceless. That is the beauty of coming together for a cause as people who are happy themselves understand the need to bring happiness to people’s lives in any smallest way possible. At Ketto, we are striving to achieve this goal in our maximum capacity with the Magical working of medical expenses crowdfunding.

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment