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How to Raise Money for Charity during the Coronavirus Crisis?

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    How to Raise Money for Charity during the Coronavirus Crisis?

    The coronavirus may have overwhelmed us physically and psychologically, but it has strengthened our sense of community. Ever since the pandemic began, we’ve seen individuals, non-profits, and social ventures step up and take charge of the situation at hand. Providing meals to migrant workers and vulnerable communities daily, aiding the healthcare infrastructure, and saving local businesses from closure. All these are just a few of the many worthwhile causes millions of individuals and NGOs endeavoured to support through this pandemic. 

    However, supporting the community is not easy. As individuals, we all have certain limitations even if you wish; you may not be able to save the world by yourself. You may feel restricted with limited financial resources. Therefore bringing us to reason why raising money for charity is of utmost importance.

    In the spirit of humanity and togetherness, let’s take a look at how to raise money for charity and do our bit for our society:

    Run a crowdfunding campaign

    Crowdfunding is an excellent way to raise funds for the benefit of the COVID-19 affected people, and the frontline COVID-19 workers. It enables you to collect small donations from thousands of people to meet a shared goal. Any individual or NGO can start a crowdfunding campaign for whatever cause they believe in. It can be raising money to pay for hospital bills of COVID-19 affected migrant workers or providing smart learning devices to enable kids from economically disadvantaged communities to continue their schooling.  

    You can share the campaign with multiple people through social media, word of mouth, emails, and text messages. Numerous people from across different geographical areas can contribute any amount to the cause and make a difference. Crowdfunding is the most popular way to raise money for charities, especially in times of physical and social distancing. 

    Make masks

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economy, and it has also resulted in the loss of jobs for many. If you have the resources to buy raw material to make safety masks, you can share it with NGOs that help people earn livelihoods. This will empower individuals from vulnerable communities to make masks and help them earn a living. 

    If you already run a profit-making enterprise by making masks, you can contribute to the various COVID-19-related causes by donating a small portion of the business proceeds to a charity. You can also inform your customers about your charity work and encourage them to contribute towards the cause and help the people in need. 

    Host webinars and workshops

    Have you always had the pricking urge to give back to the community or share your knowledge to help others in need, you can host an online workshop and share the proceeds for charity. You can Leverage your skills, whether it is ‘managing stress during COVID-19,’ ‘how to run a house on a small budget,’ or ‘how to invest in the financial markets,’ you can share your knowledge with others in place of a nominal fee. 

    You can also take a few minutes during your webinar to tell the participants about how to raise money for charity and encourage the participants to contribute towards the cause. 

    With everyone doing their bit, we can get through these unprecedented times with humility and empathy. 

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