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How to Keep Your Donors in the Loop for Your Crowdfunding Campaign?

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    How to Keep Your Donors in the Loop for Your Crowdfunding Campaign

    Crowdfunding campaigns are critical in raising finance as well as community support for NGOs (Non-Governmental Organization’s) and philanthropic associations. With donation-based crowdfunding campaigns moving online through the medium of Ketto, smaller self-help groups, NGOs, and even individuals can receive aid via crowdfunding. Small donations have helped change the lives of many. So, whether you lead a traditional social union, a religious group, or even a school for the disabled or less fortunate, online crowdfunding is one of the easiest ways to approach donors on the web and engage them with your mission to gain support.  

    How Do Crowdfunding Campaigns Work? 

    Let’s begin with the most fairly obvious answer. As the name suggests, a crowdfunding campaign is a donation-based crowdfunding campaign method of gaining capital. Organizations with a mission attempt to draw the attention of a large audience to the events that they intended to raise money for. Crowdfunding campaigns are motivated by a goal with realistic targets. 

    An organization planning a crowdfunding campaign typically uses traditional channels, but with the growing effect of social media, most organizations have adopted web-based media to spread their mission. Approaching family, friends, and colleagues is the initial step of a crowdfunding campaign strategy. This establishes the trust of people in the mission and makes it easier to reach a larger group of donors and gain momentum. 

    How to Keep Donors in the Loop?

    Crowdfunding has never been easier! With social media and digital payments, your charitable trust or NGO can reach a wider audience with a simple click. However, despite this, the main challenge is to keep your donors engaged and informed about the progress of your crowdfunding campaign.  

    So, if you are looking for how you can make your next donation based crowdfunding campaign stand out, here are 5 tips to ace the crowdfunding game: 

    1. Choose an online crowdfunding platform: 

    A crowdfunding campaign is directed by a goal. Therefore, it is important to pick a donation based crowdfunding platform that aligns with your goals. To make your campaign a success, your donors should trust the platform you are choosing. Most importantly, a reliable crowdfunding platform guarantees that your crowdfunding efforts are paid off. Ketto aims to empower individuals and organizations with its platform. We believe in putting your needs first. Driven by a mission to be the voice of those who are unheard of, Ketto’s efforts are focused on driving success to your campaign without any compromise. Ketto ensures that your donors are updated about the status of the crowdfunding campaign they have volunteered for. 

    2. Invite them to an offline crowdfunding event: 

    Social media is an effective tool for crowdfunding campaigns. However, it is often not enough to drive donations. The attention span of a person scrolling through an app is limited. Therefore, it is critical to supplement your crowdfunding efforts with an offline campaign. In fact, most donors prefer interacting with individuals behind the scene before making any donations. This not only adds to your crowdfunding effort but may also be a great way to find important connections who share your mission. 

    The easiest way to boost a slow crowdfunding campaign is to connect it with a local social event. This will allow your donors to engage with the community at large as well as contribute to your cause. 

    Let’s look at a common example – Say your charitable trust is running a crowdfunding campaign for health. You can collaborate with the event organizers of a local walkathon scheduled the following month. You can show your support in various manners by participating as a walker or by sharing the event in your network. A strategic alliance like this would help your donors understand the work you are doing and will improve the chances of their participation. 

    3. Go social:

    Get the word out about your mission using social media. You may need to pick up some skills, but social media channels are the fastest ways to get eyeballs. You can use some of these techniques to drive the audience to your initiative: 

    • Gifts or goodies: Adding a small gift, eg. a keychain or t-shirt is a great way to engage donors. In fact, in a few clicks, you can set up virtual gifts like stamps or badges using social media platforms like Facebook.

    • Share your work: Your donors use social media to keep themselves updated. Therefore, remember to share loads of photos and videos to promote your crowdfunding effort. A hashtag dedicated to your crowdfunding effort is also a great way to drive traffic.

    4. Offer multiple donation channels: 

    To make the most of your mission, you will need to offer donors the choice to donate via a channel they prefer. This channel must be simple to use and share. Typically, most organizations prefer to accept donations on their not-for-profit’s site. However, you can consider alternate modes like digital payment, mobile wallets, merchandise, etc. 

    • Mobile Wallets: With transactions moving digital, a great way to boost your donation based crowdfunding campaign is by using mobile wallets and other payment apps.

    • Merchandise: Merchandising is a great way to grab the attention of a potential donor. But merchandise also helps you connect with your donor as they serve as a constant reminder of their contribution to your organization and goals.

    5. Stay in touch with your donors: 

    It is always a good idea to check on your donors and keep them updated about the progress they have contributed to (no matter how small!). You can use texts or emails to share important milestones or success stories. Newsletters are a great way to build a community of contributors to your mission. You can also include updates about ongoing projects, scheduled events, or a simple thank you note for their kind gesture! 


    Donation based crowdfunding campaigns need planning, flexibility, and donor engagement. The more you engage with your donors, the better your campaign will be. Ketto helps you include your donors in your philanthropic initiatives. By giving individuals a chance to participate alongside association, Ketto aims to increase the reach of charitable communities across the web. 

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