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Fundraising for Poor and Unemployed in Lockdown “Feeding From Far”

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    Feeding From Far-Ration Distribution Amid Lockdown

    The COVID-19 pandemic reigned evil on many. It striped many lives due to the lack of food and appropriate medical treatment. Many people left cities and returned to their villages to be able to have two-time meals. Conditions became worse when they did not find any conveyance to travel back to their homes.

    We will never forget the year 2020 when people died from hunger and lack of medical treatment. It became worse when all members of one family got infected with Coronavirus. In such times, fundraising becomes essential to help them.

    While everyone fought bravely from lockdown situations, many people raised their hands for help. Online crowdfunding platforms like Ketto collect food and provide food.

    Works of Ketto in lockdown for poor and unemployed people: –

    Ketto is an online crowdfunding platform that raises funds for the poor through donors. The “Feeding from Far” is a good initiative in which we feed unemployed and poor who fail to earn one-time food during the lockdown. Since the lockdown started, we have distributed 17 lakh food kits to the poor. This kit contains basic food that people can use in daily life.

    Who needs our help?

    Our team searched for families in areas where daily wage workers, migrants, rag pickers, and rickshaw drivers live. We have started our help to the 7000 families who live in a slum at the oldest & biggest dumping ground in Mumbai- Govandi. The Govandi has a history of deaths due to starvation.

    Because of continuous lockdown conditions, many people have been forced to live without food for many months. Without a job and income, they become helpless and fight for their life. We provide food to needy people under the “Feeding From Far” initiative.

    What have we done?

    Under the “Feeding From Far” initiative, we ensured that people got food by distributing a ration kit. We added all the food items that a family of five would require two meals for five days. This ration kit contains –

    Wheat7 kg
    Sugar1 kg
    Chana Dal1.5 kg
    Salt1 kg
    Oil 1 Ltr.
    Red chili powder 150 gms
    Turmeric powder150 gms

    During the lockdown, people needed food, so we provided the above things for free. Because of online crowdfunding, we could help those in need survive lockdown in a slightly better condition. We also supported many medical treatment campaigns that provided medicine during the lockdown.

    Present condition: – As conditions got better, people reeled from the after-effects of the lockdown and started getting their livelihood back slowly. But, they still require support. So, we continue to support those who are in need and provide aid to many NGOs and social entities that need funds.

    Since lockdown began, Ketto has successfully fed more than 7000 families with ration kits and medical help each week. Our goal is to give happiness to the needy and feed their families. Our ration kit helps poor and middle-class people. “Feeding From Far” became the mission in lockdown for us to spread some hope amongst those in dire need.

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment