We all know how important it is to go to school. Children who don’t go to school end up in child labor. Not that the parents would not want their children to get educated, but lack of financial support can become a veritable hindrance to a child’s education.
Even though blessed with an understanding family willing to get their children educated, some children can have their dreams of education dashed because of their disabilities.
Getting Funds for Non-Profit Schools
Getting finance for any cause is extremely tough, but before giving up hope, we can give it our best shot.
Getting finances for schools can be accomplished in a variety of methods, including:
- Promoting it online, such as on social networking sites like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram
By creating some innovative sites with suitable designs that talk about the topic, followed by some student write-ups and films, all of which can be shared on social media to raise funds
By approaching some popular Instagram pages for funds by informing them of the cause for which donations are being sought and requesting them to promote the cause, along with a donation link
- Organizing street plays to encourage the audience to donate
- Direct pitching to select firms, as well as collaborations.
Ketto Funding Non-Profit Residential Schools
Schools may not make a profit under Indian law, yet we see schools collecting money by hiring third parties to provide services like transportation, smart classes, sports events, annual day and concerts, books and stationery, uniforms, and other amenities.
Ketto, in one way or the other, is helping mitigate barriers to education. It is helping children return to classrooms.
How to Help Differently Abled Children with Ketto
Ketto helps through crowdfunding. Many donors across the country have trusted Ketto’s mission and donated money to fund students’ education via its online crowdfunding platform.
To donate, you can simply visit the relevant Ketto page.
There is no rigorous procedure for starting a funding program through Ketto.
A teacher, student, parent or friend can start an education crowdfunding campaign for anyone.
You can withdraw the funds at any point during the fundraising.
Ketto‘s online crowdfunding platform supports many funding campaigns of schools and NGOs working for education, such as:
- Public schools
- Education associations
- After-school programs
- PTA (Parent-teacher associations)
- Extracurricular programs
Total Amount of Funds Raised Till Date and the Total Number of Donors
Ketto‘s online crowdfunding platform has so far raised over Rs 1100 crores via crowdfunding, with the help of 55 lakhs plus donors contributing to over 2 lakh fundraisers.
Need Funds for Medical Treatment?
Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment