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7-Year-Old Baby Needs You to Fight Her 4th Battle Against Cancer

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    Help Paarnikka Fight Cancer

    Aged 7, baby Paarnikka’s story is both inspirational and heartbreaking. She has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called ‘Neuroblastoma’ for the fourth time. It was first detected at the tender age of 16 months.

    Having undergone strenuous chemo therapies, painful surgeries and radiation sessions over the past 5 years, Paarnikka has spent almost all her time inside hospital rooms. While she defeated Neuroblastoma a third time in August 2020, it relapsed in November, making her family’s worst nightmare come true.

    Since medical emergencies such as these require urgent action, it became difficult for Paarnikka’s family to arrange for her treatment beyond a point.

    In such a scenario, online crowdfunding via Ketto   turned out to be the perfect solution to help her raise the required amount for her treatment abroad.

    How is Ketto helping Paarnikka fight cancer?

    Watching the proceedings from close quarters, Paarnikka’s aunt Reema decided to start a fundraising campaign on Ketto for her. While they had already raised a certain amount, Paarnikka now needs more money to fund her treatment abroad.

    Since new-age cancer treatments such as “Anti-GD2 immunotherapy” and “Bivalent vaccine” are only available in selected hospitals across USA and Europe, Paarnikka’s parents have no choice but to stretch beyond their means, if they want to save their daughter’s life.

    One of India’s most trusted online crowdfunding platforms, Ketto has helped thousands of people raise money for their loved ones. With a 3-step, easy campaign setup, you can easily start raising funds online.

    The platform enables easy campaign setup, making the fundraising process simple and intuitive.

    When she came to know about it, Reema quickly created a fundraiser on Ketto, putting up Paarnikka’s medical records along with a goal amount and duration. She then shared it on her social media profiles (WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram) to gather more support for her campaign.

    One of the biggest advantages of using Ketto is that it uses your network to help you reach your goal. As more and more people share it, the momentum is built, helping beneficiaries raise the required amount faster.

    You can easily check the number of donors for a particular fundraising campaign, alongside the amount contributed by them. To successfully undergo immunotherapy, Paarnikka must raise $7,00,000 with her crowdfunding campaign over the next few months.

    Total Amount of Funds Raised So Far

    The fundraising campaign for Paarnikka’s treatment has raised a total of 5.6 lakh rupees so far. The goal amount for this crowdfunding campaign is ₹ 30,000,000 in total.

    So far, many of her friends, well-wishers and family members have donated generous amounts of money via Ketto. To contribute to this crowdfunding campaign, you can use different payment methods such as UPI, bank transfer, credit and debit cards, and net banking.

    Total Number of Donors

    The total number of donors who have contributed to help the little angel undergo the life-saving procedure is 1,360.

    Final Thoughts

    The family is doing everything possible to save their daughter. Paarnikka has fought bravely until now and deserves your help to live a happy, pain-free life.

    Please consider contributing to the fundraising initiative by donating whatever you can here.

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment