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Double Your Impact Through Ketto’s SIP & Get Tax Benefits

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    SIP for medical crowdfunding

    Ever felt like you wanted to do more for society? Now, you can contribute in a meaningful way through Ketto’s SIP. 

    Medical conditions and emergencies arrive unannounced. In a country like India, millions of children die every year due to a lack of proper medical care and the inability to raise funds for treatment. Whether it is for medical treatment or educating India through crowdfunding, platforms like Ketto helps in raising fund for the right reason. The SIP (Social Impact Plan) by Ketto aims to raise funds for the medical care of poor or underprivileged children. Double your impact in fundraising by contributing to Ketto’s SIP and saving on taxes. 

    As per a report by WHO, in 2019, nearly 5.2 million under the age of 5 died from preventable or treatable diseases because of poor quality medical care and lack of money. Since the launch of Ketto, it has successfully created over 200,000 medical fundraisers and raised above $148 million. Crowdfunding websites like Ketto have made it possible for people to contribute regularly and make a real impact.

    What is SIP (Social Impact Plan)? 

    Healthcare in India is quite divided, and it is difficult for marginalized families to get expensive treatments. Cancer treatment or transplants are expensive; hence, lack of funds is the primary cause of numerous deaths yearly. However, the Social Impact Plan (SIP) is a way to change the discourse and make financial aid available for emergency and urgent medical needs. 

    Through the SIP, we help donors make a regular contribution to Ketto, raise funds to help poor kids survive, and cater to their medical care. A small donation makes a huge difference in assisting poor children to get a new leash of life by funding expensive life-saving treatments. 

    Crowdfunding platforms like Ketto provide funds for urgent treatment required for children using SIP fundraising through the following ways:

    It is easy to create a crowdfunding campaign on Ketto, and complete verification and authentication are done before listing. Instead of contributing to individual campaigns, SIP is a great way to contribute regularly, make a wholesome impact, and also save on taxes. 

    Double your impact by making a regular contribution 

    The SIP from Ketto is a great way to contribute to the medical treatment and care of children. Numerous success stories from crowdfunding in India have saved lives and paid for expensive treatments. Health insurance or mediclaim rejection is one of the primary reasons for the inability to pay for medical expenses. To top it up, nearly only 27% of the population in India has health insurance. Out of the 135 crore population, almost 100 crore population lack health insurance. 

    As a regular contributor to the SIP, make a true impact and be proud to contribute to saving lives. Ketto’s Social Impact Plan has helped raise Rs 16,50,000 for the liver transplant of 1-year-old Anthony. Another success story of the SIP is raising funds and contributing toward the cancer treatment of Balu. The crowdfunding and contribution through SIP helped raise Rs 15,00,000 for chemotherapy for 5-year-old Balu. Not only does the donation helps in saving lives, but it is excellent for tax saving and claiming the deduction. Ketto charges a 0% platform fee, ensuring there is no hidden commission. 

    We believe in making a significant impact with the help of SIP (Social Impact Plan). During the Coronavirus, Ketto successfully started 4,420 fundraisers collectively known as Coronavirus Relief Fund and raised a total amount of Rs 3,90,25,13,386. With regular contributions, we can help make a huge difference and help with medical treatment for children.  

    Tax benefits from Ketto’s SIP

    Crowdfunding for education, medical care, and treatment has helped save many lives and fight for a better cause. Ketto’s SIP also has tax benefits, and donating is one of the best ways to claim deductions. Charity and fundraising is a good deed, and it helps in decreasing overall tax liability. In addition, Ketto has campaigns that offer an 80G certificate that exempts donors from partly or wholly paying taxes on making donations to charitable trusts or registered NGOs. 

    A donation for a good cause like medical treatment for children or education crowdfunding, along with saving taxes, is a win situation for all. Contributing to charities and reducing tax liability is a great idea. We at Ketto have thousands of crowdfunding campaigns and tax benefits. 

    Donations to specific campaigns or NGOs make the donor eligible to claim a deduction from taxable income. Section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961 offers tax benefits and claim deductions in tax on paying registered charities. 80G covers all the aspects of dedicating charity amounts to relief funds and registered organizations. 

    Before donating or contributing to SIP, it is best to check if it has a tax deduction. We are transparent regarding keeping donors in the loop with the tax deduction and claiming the tax benefits. For example, when a donor makes a donation or contribution to the campaigns or the SIP, we send an email including tax benefits or an 80G certificate whenever available. 


    Fundraising and crowdfunding were not so common in India until crowdfunding platforms like Ketto started taking initiatives. Ketto’s SIP (social impact plan) is a great way to contribute monthly and gift children medical care through special campaigns. The money pooled monthly by donors is matched up with patients needing the funds to pay for treatment and help save lives. Create an impact, make a difference, and bring in changes while saving taxes and claiming tax benefits. Hence, crowdfunding and a charitable donation can consistently be advantageous by contributing to campaigns that offer 80G certificates and allow claiming deductions. 

    Sushant Peshkar
    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment