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Clever Ways to Thank Your Donors

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    Thank Your Donors

    Acquiring a new donor is always more expensive than building a relationship with an existing donor. About 80% of existing donors feel encouraged to donate the second or third time if they are presented with a token of thanks. Simply put, have an appreciation strategy in place if you need relevant and interested donors to make a second donation. Remember that about 65% of donors never come back for the second time.

    Therefore, you need some clever ways to thank your donors meaningfully. Use these simple and affordable methods to express your sincere gratitude for your donors’ efforts and thoughtfulness.

    Say thanks to your donors with these easy and affordable ways

    1. Personalized Video Messages to the Donor

    This gesture does not take too much time, money, or effort from your end. But it can go a long way in helping strengthen a donor’s empathetic relationship with your cause and mission. Typically, videos are more effective than words because our brains process visuals better and faster than text.

    Another appealing thing about videos is that you can make them interesting and engaging with a good script. Studies show that you are likely to get at least 50% more donations vis-a-vis emails when you thank your donors using video messages.

    2. Thanking with a heartfelt handwritten note

    Another easy and clever way to thank your donors is to write to them personally in your very own handwriting. It might sound run-of-the-mill, but this is a very touching communication medium especially in our fast-paced, rapidly digitizing world. Handwritten notes take time and patience. That is what makes them extra special. Occasionally sending your donors handwritten notes is a very basic, minimalist, and yet powerful way to stay connected with them. 

    3. Make the donor feel like a hero

    Often, the non-profit staff or the fundraising organization is made to feel like the hero. The truth is that the donor is the real hero. Without their money, the campaign would have been a flop. 

    Give the donor credit and add to their pride, whether it is through a written note or a video. Give them a reason to feel good about their considerate and humane intentions. When you make your donor feel extraordinary, they will feel more involved and responsible for your cause. This makes them come back during the next round of donations.

    4. Appreciating donors on social media

    The power of social media is mesmerizing. Use the medium to thank your donors. Share a relevant photo or a video, tag them, and promote the post. Such appreciation can have a ripple effect. It not only encourages the existing donor to re-donate but also motivates others to come forward and help.

    You need to, however, remember that such public appreciation may not be liked by all donors. Some love to remain anonymous. Hence, make an effort first to understand your donors and strategize accordingly.

    5. Get the donor for an office tour

    This idea may not seem very appealing. However, donors feel appreciated when you send them personalized invites to have a view of your world in your office. It is also a good way to introduce them to the team – the people behind the campaign. Your donors get to put a face to the name of your cause and vision. Many things can happen when everything is done with genuine interest and pride.

    6. Connect with your donors over the phone

    Another personalized and clever way to thank your donors is to pick up the phone and make a one-on-one connection. Let them hear the real voices behind the campaign. However, a word of caution: many of your donors might not appreciate a phone call. Find out about your donors’ communication preferences before anything else.

    7. Appreciate the donor on your website

    Your website is the best place to mention and thank your donors. It would cost you nothing, yet strategically showcase a donor’s commitment to a cause. You could have a separate section on your homepage for such appreciations. Acknowledge first-time donors, regular contributors, one-time donors, and so on. You could also have the donors say or write their story and why they donate to boost better donor engagement.

    8. Say it with a welcome package

    For first-time donors, you can send across a welcome package to say thank you. Such packages will not just include a thank-you letter. You could include pictures of the beneficiary and how the funds can help them. You could talk about your nonprofit’s evolution and how you are impacting other people’s lives. You could include simple gifts like handmade items, T-shirts, etc.

    9. Keep your donors updated

    While they may not say this, donors would appreciate knowing how their donation was spent. By sending them a progress report, you tell them about the achievements possible with the donation, how it changed someone’s life, etc. Make the communication interesting by adding photos and videos.

    10.  Plant a tree

    This is a clever, smart, and sustainable way to say thank you. Plant a tree or sow a seed and dedicate it to every donor. Most of your donors would appreciate the idea with honesty, and the tree remains a good memory of the beautiful work done by the donor.


    Your donors are your core supporters. You need to do as much as possible to retain them and show them the appreciation that they deserve.

    Donating is also a beautiful way of contributing to the well-being of society. One thoughtful gesture from your end can make someone smile and give them a reason to live! If you are keen to donate and make a difference in the life of someone needy, visit Ketto today.

    Sushant Peshkar
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