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5 Ways to Raise Money for Kids with Cancer

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    Kids with Cancer

    Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases that affect 11,20,00 Indians every year. According to the World Health Organisation, one in ten Indians develop cancer during their lifetime, and only about 30% of the patients can afford necessary treatments. But, over the past few years, more and more people have access to cancer treatments, thanks to the efforts and generosity of the individuals who actively contribute to the treatment costs through various online platforms and fundraising initiatives.

    Suppose, you are looking to raise funds for the cancer treatment of your young brother or a person belonging to a low-income family in your locality. In that case, you can use the following five ways:


    Raising money from friends and family is an old way to overcome a crisis. Today, you can leverage the power of the internet to reach out to thousands of potential donors and raise funds for the treatment of your beloved. One such powerful online medium is crowdfunding. It allows you to seek donations from multiple people through an online crowdfunding platform like Ketto and raise the desired amount.

    You can set up your online cancer crowdfunding campaign easily. It involves four simple steps:

    • Choose the crowdfunding platform where you want to host the campaign.
    • Create your campaign page
    • Share the campaign in your social circle
    • Get the desired amount

    To get maximum funds and reach your target amount quickly, you must have a captivating story on your campaign page. Weave the magic of words to tell your potential donors why you are raising funds. Tell them about the hardships the donation seeker faces, and how the donations can help the patient get a second chance at life. Make sure that you clearly define the goal amount and, if possible, give a break-up of the treatment cost. This will add more transparency and credibility to your crowdfunding for cancer patients campaign.

    Reach out to NGOs and trusts

    Many NGOs and trusts in India actively work for children’s welfare and cancer patients. Many celebrities who have survived cancer themselves have set up cancer trust funds to lend monetary support and help cancer patients get the best medical care. 

    You can reach out to such NGOs with a formal request to provide support. Ensure that you furnish details of the various costs involved; you can attach the hospital bills and other related documents to support the claim amount. Apart from providing financial help, the NGOs and trusts may also direct you to individual healthcare facilities that specialise in cancer treatment for children or recommend meeting certain doctors associated with the NGO for a second opinion on the best treatment.

    Government Funds

    Many government-sponsored schemes support cancer patients like the Prime Minister National Relief Fund under the Ministry of Health and Family welfare. You can reach out to an NGO or a local politician who can guide you through the application process and get the funds sanctioned.

    Also, many government hospitals provide cancer treatment for children at subsidised costs. 

    Do your research well about such government schemes and ensure that you follow the sanction request process carefully to avoid delay in the approval. Don’t forget to provide sufficient details to showcase that you genuinely need funds for the treatment; attach a doctor recommendation letter, medical bills, etc. to validate the request.

    Medical Loans

    If you are lucky enough to have a steady income and the financial capacity to pay back the loan. In that case, you can consider applying for a medical loan and raise funds for cancer treatment. Remember, medical loans must be repaid-with interest, so ensure that you plan your finances well before proceeding with the loan.

    Typically, hospitals that diagnose cancer also help patients connect with medical facilities that provide cost-effective treatment. They may also guide you to various support groups that can help you get the necessary monetary help. Similarly, your doctor can help get more information about the charity associated with the hospital, special grants offered by the hospital (if any), etc. The important thing is to ask for help and not give up.

    Host a hospital breakfast

    Cancer treatment often requires the patients to be hospitalised for prolonged periods, and treatment costs increase with each day the patient spends at the hospital. You can ease the financial burden to some extent by starting a cancer crowdfunding breakfast service at the hospital.

    You can reach out to the hospital authorities and get permission to provide breakfast service to the fellow patients at the hospital and raise funds for your kid’s cancer treatment. Invite the hospital staff and other patients’ relatives to your breakfast service and tell them why you are raising money.

    Apart from charging for the food you serve, you may set up a donation box to accept additional donations.

    No matter what you do to raise funds, you must seek help from your friends and family who will help you stay focused on your mission and be with you through every step. Take your time to plan your fundraiser initiative well, put in your sincere efforts, and your crowdfunding campaign will be a success.

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment