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7-in-1 Jab: Best Bet For Strays

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    7-in-1 Jab: Best Bet For Strays

    Many people feel the 7-in-1 dog vaccine price in India is expensive. But, stray dogs need to get the vaccine to help them protect against dangerous or fatal diseases. 

    While protecting dogs from rabies is crucial, several other essential vaccinations keep dogs from harm. These vaccinations can successfully shield dogs from harmful yet preventable illnesses. 

    Sometimes, vaccinations are also life-saving, especially for strays and puppies. But vaccination is not something everyone is familiar with, so people have a lot of questions. Awareness about specific vaccination for dogs is still necessary for most people in India. 

    The 7-in-1 vaccine is essential for strays as it helps to protect them from more than one disease. Read more to understand about these vaccinations and how you can help to provide them to India’s stray dogs for their protection. 

    Why should dogs get vaccinated? 

    Pets are the highest contributor to the stray population. In India, there are over 35 million stray dogs, making it essential to get them vaccinated. Owned dogs live up to 15 years. And unowned dogs on the streets have an average lifespan of only three years. 

    Stray dogs in India find it difficult to survive and have very low fecundity and litter survival rates. Pet retention is also a factor that leads to an increase in the number of stray dogs in India. 

    People are unable to keep their pets with them for various reasons. It can be due to shifting from one place to another, pets having litter often, financial burden, behavioural space, or time constraints. These abandoned dogs end up on the street. 

    In developed countries, dogs that get abandoned by their owners are taken to shelter homes. In India and other countries, infection and sporadic outbreaks of disease frequently occur among stray dogs. 

    Since stray animals roam free on the road, these diseases can be contagious and infect human beings as well. Making the 7-in-1 dog vaccine price in India lower or free could also have an impact on improving the vaccination rate among strays. 

    There’s been a recent decline in vaccinations among pets and strays around the world. However, when compared with developed countries, the estimate says that only 30 to 50% of the Indian pet population gets the vaccine. 

    With recent awareness about the protection of strays, vaccination for dogs is getting the attention it should. We can manage infectious diseases through the collaborative support of people and health experts.

    How do dog vaccines work?

    Vaccinations can help prepare a dog’s immune system to defend itself against any kind of infection or disease. Vaccines contain antigens, a molecule present in all viruses and bacteria. By injecting these antigens into the body, the immune system learns to copy the disease-causing microbe. Then, it remembers them for the future. 

    If the bacteria or virus reappears, the immune system of the dog will recognise the antigens immediately. They will attack before it spreads and causes health complications. 

    The purpose of puppy vaccines and dog vaccines is to stimulate the immune system and help it recognise the antigens. The 7-in-1 vaccine also helps protect the health of the strays. 

    Unfortunately, the 7-in-1 dog vaccine price in India is not affordable for everyone who can prevent these strays from deadly diseases. But, a collective contribution can bring significant change and save the lives of many dogs in India. 

    We are all surrounded by stray dogs who might need our help in protecting them from severe diseases, most of which are difficult to treat. Vaccinations are a much more economical solution, especially when compared to other treatment options to fight diseases. 

    Types of vaccines

    Before we jump into discussing the 7-in-1 dog vaccine price in India, let’s understand the types of animal vaccines. There are two types of vaccines: infectious and non-infectious. 

    • Infectious vaccines

    Most infectious vaccines used for dogs contain organisms that get weakened to reduce their virulence. A modified live virus (MLV) vaccine induces immunity by causing a low-level infection and replication within the animal. It does not cause significant tissue pathology or clinical signs of infectious disease.

    Vaccines that induce immunity at relevant anatomical sites are effective when injected parenterally. It is also more likely to achieve robust cellular and humoral immunity. 

    There are viral vaccines (i.e., intranasal and oral vaccinations) that get delivered directly to mucosal locations. In these places, they are even more effective in generating meaningful protective immunity. 

    • Non-infectious vaccines

    Vaccines not caused by infectious organisms are famous as non-infectious vaccines (also called dead or inactivated vaccines). They may contain an inactivated but antigenically intact virus or organism—a natural or synthetic antigen produced by that organism or virus or DNA that may encode an antigen.

    It is often necessary to add an adjuvant to boost non-infectious agent potency. Also, many doses are necessary to elicit protection (even in adults). 

    Non-infectious agents do not infect, replicate, or cause pathology or clinical signs of infection. Contrary to infectious vaccinations, non-infectious vaccines get administered parenterally. They are less likely to induce cellular and humoral immunity. 

    What diseases can we prevent with vaccinations?

    If you have a pet, you won’t find the 7-in-1 dog vaccine price in India to be a hefty amount. 

    The strays, however, are the majority in number and carry a high risk of infection and diseases that need immediate prevention.

    We can prevent several diseases with vaccinations, such as:

    • Rabies 
    • Leptospirosis
    • Canine parvovirus infection
    • Lyme disease
    • Canine distemper
    • Canine adenovirus-2
    • Canine influenza
    • Canine parainfluenza
    • Kennel Cough
    • Canine enteric coronavirus
    • Heartworm disease 

    Some of these diseases in dogs can also infect humans, creating more health problems for us. Many people assume that dogs aren’t exposed to these diseases because they got vaccinated. However, this isn’t true. If we stop vaccinating dogs, these diseases will reappear, so we must keep up with them.

    These diseases can be highly contagious. More importantly, they can be life-threatening for puppies born to mothers who have not gotten vaccinated.

    Distemper, for example, is one of the highly contagious and most dangerous diseases a dog can get, and it is also one of the most preventable through vaccination. It is most commonly contracted through direct contact with an infected dog. 

    How does the 7-in-1 jab help dogs?

    The GHMC provides anti-rabies injections for free to strays in India. But, the 7-in-1 dog vaccine price in India is still not affordable for many. 

    The 7-in-1 vaccine protects dogs from 7 diseases. These include: 

    • Canine distemper
    • Adenovirus
    • Hepatitis
    • Parainfluenza
    • Parvovirus
    • Leptospirosis
    • Coronavirus

    These diseases don’t just cause suffering among strays but can also be fatal. 

    When should you get dogs vaccinated?

    Typically, the first series of vaccinations includes a 7-in-1 vaccination. If the puppy has been on mother’s milk for one month, the first dose should happen when it’s at six weeks. Otherwise, vaccination should happen as soon as feasible. Following the first dose, a booster dose gets administered three weeks later every year. 

    A puppy is first immunised against rabies when it is three months of age. Then, the booster vaccine must be administered once a year. 

    The side effects that a dog may experience after getting vaccinated are common. But it’s crucial to know when they are normal and when you should report them.

    How can you shield stray dogs from disease?

    As a responsible citizen and a pet lover, you would know the importance of keeping animals safe in this country, especially when dogs can be shielded from half a dozen deadly diseases through vaccination. 

    Instead of providing different vaccinations, reach out to a vet to administer a combination vaccine. Combination vaccines include six, seven, or more vaccines to protect animals from a set of diseases. 

    Volunteers who take the initiative to protect stray dogs in India can manage to feed them, but when it comes to vaccines, it gets tough. The 7-in-1 vaccine price in India is INR 300 or more. 

    How is Ketto helping stray dogs get vaccinated?

    Ketto is an Indian online crowdfunding platform. It’s where individuals and organisations from all around can raise funds for causes ranging from medical healthcare to disaster relief. 

    As mentioned earlier, the 7-in-1 dog vaccine price in India is not budget-friendly for everyone. So, Ketto is here to help. 

    The foundation is making fantastic efforts to promote a healthy animal-human co-existence. They do this by protecting the beautiful lives of urban strays in India and giving them a better life. 

    If you want to play a part in the higher initiative and want to save the lives of Indian stray dogs, visit Ketto and contribute to this mission. 

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