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5 Innovative Online Fundraising Ideas for Non- Profit Organization

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    Looking at non-profits standing proud with all their good intentions and missions, one might think it would be super easy for them to raise the funds they need. The truth is, raising funds for a non-profit isn’t easy; thankfully, it isn’t impossible either.

    Online fundraising is gaining traction as a business model for raising funds. Non-profits from across sectors are exploring innovative ways to raise money online.

    Here are five online fundraising ideas for non-profit organisations that will make fundraising fun and fulfilling for you:


    Crowdfunding is about raising small amounts of money from a large number of people to fulfil the dreams of your non-profit’s beneficiaries. The working of crowdfunding is simple – you put up your non-profit’s story, your beneficiaries’ information, your goals, and then spread the message through different online channels.

    The more you spread the word among your network, the higher the chance of raising the required funds. Ensure that you send a thank you message to all the donors for their generosity. You can also request them to share the story within their circle for better outreach. There is a different joy when you see other people advocating for and convincing their friends and family to donate to your non-profit.

    Host a virtual stand-up

    Everyone loves a hearty LOL session (laugh out loud)? Plan a stand-up comedy night and direct the proceeds from the online ticket sales to your non-profit. If you and the comedians can include some satire or mimicry, it is sure to get some laughter and build awareness of the cause through subtle hints simultaneously.

    You can also share your non-profit’s mission objectives with the audience once the show is over or provide a link to your website to encourage them to explore more.

    Virtual talent show

    There are two ways to explore this idea- if your non-profit works closely with artists, you could organise an online show to bring forth their ‘talent’ to the masses. You can also get some performers who believe in your cause and ask them to perform online to support your non-profit’s cause. Amount collected from the ticket sales goes towards fulfilling your charity’s objectives while the attendees feel good about the outstanding performance.

    Start a challenge

    As far as online fundraising ideas, this holds the potential to break the internet. Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? That challenge got ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), a rare neurological disorder the attention it deserved and raised way more than expected. Think of something that will involve friends and families of your existing supporters. It could be anything- a 70s dress code dance, push-ups while dressed in a suit, or whatever fun and quirky idea come to your mind. Do not forget to mention your donation page’s link and the relevant hashtags when you start the challenge.

    Start a podcast

    Are you a non-profit which works with women from disadvantaged backgrounds who have inspiring stories to tell? Or you can tap into your network to find out people with stories to tell or lessons to teach. These individuals can come on to your podcast to share their views. You can promote the podcast in your network and add a donation link. This way, your listeners and potential donors get to hear their stories. By doing so, you are inspiring your donors to donate to a genuine cause.

    Lastly, when you set up your online fundraiser, update your website, social media handles, add a secure donation page, and remember to have fun in what you do.

    Sushant Peshkar
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