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3 Simple Ways You Can Help During The Coronavirus Crisis

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    Help During The Coronavirus Crisis

    The coronavirus or COVID-19 Pandemic has picked up pace, and it continues to spread aggressively throughout our country. Most of us are adapting to a new way of life of being at home. Staying informed, and abiding by social distancing norms is the least we can do as individuals to curb the spread of this virus. However, there are many underprivileged individuals, children, families, frontline workers and NGOs around us that need personal, educational, and monetary help.

    Here are simple ways you can make a difference to people affected due to this pandemic.

    Support your community

    Many people have lost their jobs due to the lockdown. With each passing day, the situation outside our homes is getting worse. The lesser privileged people of our society and community are struggling to feed their families. You can start by distributing meals to homeless people on the streets, or you can donate funds to NGOs which ensure no one stays hungry.

    Donate to Food Relief Programmes

    Your contribution to Concern India Foundation will help the community as a whole with rations to daily wage earners, migrant workers and those who do not have a ration card and hence cannot access government support. Concern India Foundation has begun food relief programs. As part of its initiative, it is providing grains to the needy and affected communities.

    Helping the community with rations and hygiene kits

    Child Help Foundation members have taken it upon themselves to make sure more people are aware and prepared to battle this pandemic. They have started the above campaign to raise funds for the same. Your donation to their cause can help them provide rations and hygiene kits to more people.

    Providing Face Protection Kits to frontline workers

    Your donation can provide essential safety kits needed by frontline workers, BBMP porkarmikas, vegetable vendors, milk booth workers, food & medicine delivery boys to avoid them contracting the virus. They are unsung heroes working 24×7, ensuring we all have a comfortable life. The majority of these workers cannot afford masks and preventive kits. Through this fundraiser, we plan to donate face protection kits to all those who are working to ensure our safety.

    Be there for the ones in need

    This global health crisis has not only affected people’s lives, their livelihood but also their mental health. Many of us are isolated and have no one to share our thoughts. In these challenging times, ensure that all your friends and family members are well. If you know anyone suffering from mental health, call them or text them, just make sure they know you’re there.

    Samaritans Mumbai

    You can advise anyone suffering from mental health issues to call the Samaritans helpline numbers 24×7 or email them. Samaritans provide emotional support to those who are stressed, distressed, depressed or suicidal. Samaritans offer complete anonymity and confidentiality between the affected and the Samaritans.

    Volunteer at local NGOs

    You can also volunteer at local NGOs. Connectfor is one such NGO that offers corporate volunteering for socially responsible companies and groups to develop CSR activities. They have also curated virtual volunteering opportunities that are accessible from the comfort of your home.

    Assist children so that they continue learning

    Shutting of schools has adversely impacted the youth of our nation. Distance learning is the only chance the children and youth have at continuing their learning curves during this pandemic. You can help the children of your society or neighbourhood by organising games and encouraging them to participate in fun learning activities. You can also help other children by donating to NGOs which are working towards protecting children’s right to education.

    Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA)

    BBA is one such organisation that is working with local law enforcement and policy-makers to protect child rights. Millions of migrant labourers & daily wage earners have lost their livelihood due to the lockdown. Their young children are at risk of becoming victims of trafficking, forced/bonded labour, commercial sexual exploitation, or even illegal organ harvesting. Donate to this organisation today to protect child rights.

    Anandalaya Public School

    This fundraiser aims to provide 800 students who currently share only five computers with resources to muster at least 50 computers or laptops with the licensed software. These learning tools will provide online tutoring and support to the students in math and science. Post COVID-19, these resources will be accessed by all the students to learn at school.

    This school for 800 students currently shares only five computers. This fundraiser aims to provide the school with more resources to provide better learning tools for online tutoring to the students.

    Be informed and mindful of the people most impacted.

    Being informed isn’t just about understanding the virus and taking appropriate precautions. It’s about understanding what is happening around you and advocating for changes you want to see.

    Every bit helps

    It’s time to contribute in a small way to making others’ lives better. You can do your bit by donating to a fundraiser of your choice on Ketto’s Crowdfunding Platform.

    Sushant Peshkar
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