Gujarat Day also known as Gujarat Sthapana Divas is celebrated on May 1 every year. It was on this day in the year 1960 when, according to the Bombay Reorganization Act, the state of Bombay was divided into two states – Maharashtra for the Marathi-speaking population and Gujarat for the Gujarati-speaking population. Thus, Gujarat became a separate state on this day.
History of Gujarat
Gujarat gets its name from Gujara, the land of Gujjars, as they ruled the area during the 700s and 800s. Gujarat is also called the “Jewel of Western India” and has marked its presence on the global map since ancient times. It is believed that Lord Krishna departed Mathura and moved to the west coast of Saurashtra, which eventually came to be known as Dwarka, the gateway. The state was later ruled by various dynasties including Guptas, Mauryas, Pratiharas, and others.
How is Gujarat Day celebrated?
Gujarat Day is marked as a holiday in Gujarat. This day is celebrated with great pomp and show all over Gujarat by the residents as well as people of other states who have settled here. Various cultural programs and functions are organized on this day in different parts of the state to mark the occasion. People from all walks of life come together on this day to celebrate the spirit of Gujarat.
This day is also used as an opportunity by various organizations to promote Gujarati culture and tradition among the people. On this day, various competitions are organized for young and old people alike, which motivate them to learn more about the rich culture of Gujarat. Many competitions in art, literature, music etc. are held in schools and colleges all over the state on this day.
Another highlight of Gujarat Day is the colourful parades organized by various communities to showcase their unique culture, vibrant costumes and dances. These parades are a treat for the eyes as well as the soul, making everyone feel proud of being a Gujarati. People from across the world come down to participate and witness the parades.
Gujarat Day is a day that brings together people of all ages and communities in the spirit of unity and celebrates the rich culture of Gujarat. It is a day when everyone acknowledges their roots while being open to new ideas and experiences. Thus, it can rightly be said that this day has become an integral part of the Gujarati psyche, defining their identity and keeping them rooted in their culture.
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