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Nurturing a Balanced Work Culture-Varun Sheth

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    Nurturing a Balanced Work Culture by Varun Seth

    A balanced workforce is defined as one in which individuals have the positive energy, capabilities, passion, and resources to meet present and future organizational performance needs while maintaining their economic and mental health on and off the job.

    In simple words, create your work environment with a perfect blend of work, wellbeing, and sustainability to boost growth. How you may ask? It’s easy! Just follow these simple tips that I’ve learned as an entrepreneur over the course of 9 years. 

    Boost Employee Engagement

    Boost Employee Engagement

    Employee engagement refers to how emotionally and mentally connected your employees are to the work they do, their team, and the organisation.

    To create a more sustainable workplace, it is crucial to implement employee engagement programs. Regardless of how talented your employees are, if you fail to nurture and reward them, you will never know their true potential.

    Establish Boundaries

    Set fair and reasonable boundaries for your staff, allowing them to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Communicate these boundaries to your team. No one appreciates an employer that makes them work late when they should be spending time with their family. Please remember that people have lives outside of work, and it’s critical that employers acknowledge and value this.

    Establish Boundaries

    Work Smarter Not Harder

    Work Smarter Not Harder

    Everyone in your organisation, including you, can benefit from learning how to manage their time more effectively. Adopting the correct set of time-management techniques can help you reduce stress and save up to an hour per day. For instance, your workplace can use basic strategies like taking small brain breaks before starting something new, or structuring their day such that they have time to learn something new while executing their day-to-day tasks.

    When faced with six dozen chores at once, many people chose to work longer hours and push themselves to the point of exhaustion in order to do them. This is when you must remind yourself that increasing productivity does not require your employees to work more. So, take a step back and think about ways you can help your employees work smarter, not harder.

    Build Mutual Trust

    Mutual trust is a critical component of any company’s success, especially if it is a young one. Assist your team in socialising and getting to know one another to foster trust. It’s easier than you think to build trust among your staff. You can organise team-building events or simply hold informal team meetings. For instance, at Ketto, my team and I strive to make open communication as much as possible among the company be it through monthly open-house or month-end calls. 

    Build Mutual Trust

    Minimalize Stressors

    Minimalize Stressors

    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Make sure your team doesn’t end up being like Jack.

    Some working stress is tolerable, but chronically overstressed people are not. As a leader, you should emphasize keeping the environment and work culture stress-free. Empower your managers enough to help them build a system for their team that works best, rather than using a one size fits all solution.

    Embrace Empathy

    When a company chooses to be empathetic, it makes everyone’s life simpler.

    People want to feel like they’re an important part of the organisation and empathy helps to promote that relationship. With the world around us changing, these times have brought some uncalled challenges. Empathy is more valuable now than it has ever been. Listen to your team and, if they need assistance, offer solutions. 

    Embrace Empathy

    Click here to read 5 life lessons the pandemic has taught us.

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