Dear Empathy & Inclusion Enthusiasts, Parents, and Teachers
Over 5 years ago, co-founders Dr. Shweta Verma and Jamal Siddiqui sought your support to launch Ginny's Planet! While Ginny's Planet continues its journey, they now seek your support for Ginny ki Duniya Foundation to reach a wider population.
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In the last 5 1/2 years of Ginny's Planet, we have already met over 10k children, run multiple summer camps, and storybooks of Ginny are gradually reaching libraries of schools in Delhi.
But we need to do more with more. Hence, comes Ginny ki Duniya Foundation... To do the impactful work that the market won't pay for. To help children imbibe empathy, Inclusion, and respect for diversity - we want to ground our work in communities and schools where people can access it at low cost or free.
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What we do is necessary for the world- we believe that and will continue to work with passion.
How will your donation help us? Ginny ki Duniya Foundation needs to establish a base office and core team to take work to communities, schools and other NGOs. Your donation would help us do this and then hopefully get us to set up our first library and activity space.
How to donate? Please donate on this link! It is safe and trustworthy. No amount is small. Every bit counts for us!
The Foundation also has its own Bank account and 80G certification. We will share the details with if you could please let us (co-founders- Shweta Verma and Jamal Siddiqui) know on WhatsApp - 9891056333 or 9870528587 or email id:
Why 15,00,000 Rs as our goal: This is for the first year of the Foundation's work. As we set up the Program Team, office, Library space, Activities Plan, and Fellowship program, we are aware that we won't be able to access CSR funds for the first 3 years of our work. But we wouldn't want to slow down. To do more with more, we plan according to what we see ourselves doing.
Can we take donations only in Indian Rupees? Yes. We cannot accept donations in any other currency.
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