Fundraiser Ended! This fundraiser ended on July 31, 2019
Tobacco spitting is a very big problem in India. Let us fight together with this unique and creative campaign.
This article is to share my viewpoint on a tobacco-free India. I am raising funds to run a campaign at all India level. The campaign’s motive is to solve the problem of spitting tobacco.
Problem :
There are many people in our country who do not care about their own health as well as the environment. They spit tobacco anywhere and everywhere. This can range from roads to public places to tourist spots, public transports, and what not. They are least bothered about the law. This has become a cause of various issues which are usually ignored. Some of the issues are as follows:
1. Health issues.
2. Environment degradation.
3. Less tourism.
4. Safety Concerns: Many people spit tobacco while driving. This is very unsafe for the driver as well as for others around him/her.
How will we fight against this?
Well, to counter this issue, we need to hit them right in the head (not literally though). Action is required to make them realise about the damaged caused by them. This can be done by making them feel ashamed and embarrassed about their acts. This is the harsh truth that embarrassment is the only solution to this problem.
So, whenever you find anyone spitting from a car just paste a sticker on his/her car. The content on the sticker will let everyone know around the car that the particular person just spat on the road. These stickers can be pasted outside their homes if you find them spitting around the locality or in the building.
This I think, is a unique idea which will certainly not eradicate the problem of spitting tobacco but will surely act as a major awareness campaign.
These things can be posted on social media using the app & website which will be a part of this campaign.
Usage of your Funds :
1. Installing spittoons (A spittoon is a receptacle made for spitting into, especially by users of chewing and dipping tobacco) at public places which is the most important task at hand for us.
2. Stickers for distribution.
3. Website & App development.
4. Awareness video.
5. Partnership with brands like Ola/Uber/Meru to have stickers stocked in their cars for customers to use in case their driver does it.
6. Awareness stalls.
Its time to fight against this problem. The goal can only be achieved with your help. So kindly support us to make India a clean space!!
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